PrehKeyTec Programmable Keyboards

PrehKeyTec USB Keyboards on Linux

Installation Notes - 2012-Sep-10


The following instructions describe how you correctly set up the PrehKeyTec USB keyboard connected to the USB interface of an Linux (i386 or x86_64) computer. Especially if you want to communicate with the keyboard's modules these steps have to be executed first in order to have appropriate access grants.

PrehKeyTec keyboards connected to your computer via USB do not require any special driver, nor the kernel needs to be modified. Only for using the special keyboard modules some minor configuration is necessary: On kernel 2.6 (or newer) the Linux kernel's device manager "udev" is used to set appropriate access grants for the device.

System requirements

Package Contents

This package includes:

Installation Procedure

The USB configuration is executed automatically by the "normal" JavaPOS setup script:

  1. log in as "normal" user and change to the PrehKeyTec JavaPOS subdirectory cd ./
  2. run the PrehKeyTec JavaPOS setup script: ./setup
  3. Follow the wizard.

In addition the JavaPOS setup wizard script configures the symbolic links to "" and configures the JavaPOS registry / keyboard type.

To manually set up the USB configuration for PrehKeyTec USB keyboards:

  1. Log in as "root to update the udev rules"
  2. Copy the PrehKeyTec udev rule file to your system:
    cp ./setup/usb/52-prehkeytec.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
  3. Trigger the system to update the udev rules:
    udevadm trigger


Help and Support
If you should have any problems on installing and using these drivers we of course will like to help you. Also if you have any comments or suggestions to improve our drivers and installation scripts please email to: Further information and latest drivers you can find in the internet at

© PrehKeyTec GmbH 2012. PrehKeyTec GmbH reserves the right to update or change the products described in this document as well as the document itself without prior notice. This document may not be reproduced, processed or translated into electronic form or other languages without the prior written permission of PrehKeyTec GmbH.

All trademarks and brand names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners. e.g: "Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.